Reader/Social Media Photos: To possibly be featured on the ‘Your Photos’ pages of the magazine, newsletter or ADVENTURESS social media, please follow ADVENTURESS social media and use #betheadventuress on your Instagram photos.

Proposed Article: As a magazine specifically for women, only women may contribute writing content to ADVENTURESS magazine. You do not need to be a professional writer – the editor cares most about the ideas and details, and will help with any editing as needed. Please submit a thorough idea of the article and examples of high-resolution/original photos that could accompany the article by emailing inspire@betheadventuress.com. Some compensation may be offered.

Previously published work is also welcome. Please state when/where the article was published, and if you have a link to the article already, please send that. Otherwise, attach the article with some high-resolution/original photo examples that could accompany the article.

*Note – As with any magazine, including ADVENTURESS, be sure to familiarize yourself with the magazine before proposing articles. This editor tends to look for how-to articles instead of personal stories. ADVENTURESS’ categories are Hunt, Fish, Explore and Live – covering most outdoor activities.